Portraits Of Climate
collaborative project with the University of Hamburg and the Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change and Society (CLICCS)
(Vimeo Link coming soon)
Journey Through Time and into the Future
Jenni Schurr, Dr. David Nielsen
“When permafrost in the Arctic thaws due to climate change, it affects, among other things, the coastlines. The previously frozen ground becomes softer and more slippery, making it easier for the advancing waves to erode. At the same time, these waves grow stronger as the sea ice melts. Dr. David Nielsen has calculated the amount of soil loss for three scenarios, ranging from minimal to substantial climate protection. Jenni Schurr created a performance based on these scenarios, in which three dancers embody each of the scenarios. Initially synchronized, their movements gradually become more chaotic – a metaphor for the consequences of global warming, accompanied by sound and film footage from the Arctic – “Journey Through Time and into the Future.”
– Stephanie Janssen (Original in German)

Exhibiton view, photography by Uni Hamburg/ Masbaum

Dr. David Nielsen, Jenni Schurr, photography by Uni Hamburg/ L. Göttling