acid rain
Befreit aus dem Kokon eines blindwütigen Individualismus sind wir zu einem ganzheitlicheren Blick auf unser Selbst, unser Tun und dessen Konsequenzen gelangt. Gleichwohl bewegt sich der Mensch mit all seinen Sehnsüchten und Nöten in einer auf den Konsum ausgerichteten Welt, der er sich kaum entziehen kann. Ist es diese innere Zerrissenheit, die uns nun in die Arme einer scheinbar sorglosen digitalen Alternativwelt treibt, die uns mit einem neuen Versprechen grenzenlos gestaltbarer Identität abermals zu verführen versucht?
Freed from the cocoon of blind individualism, we have come to a more holistic view of ourselves, our actions and their consequences. Nevertheless, people move with all their longings and needs in a world geared towards consumption, from which they can hardly escape.
Is it this inner turmoil that is now driving us into the arms of a seemingly carefree digital alternative world that is trying to seduce us again with a new promise of an identity that can be shaped without limits?
Freed from the cocoon of blind individualism, we have come to a more holistic view of ourselves, our actions and their consequences. Nevertheless, people move with all their longings and needs in a world geared towards consumption, from which they can hardly escape.
Is it this inner turmoil that is now driving us into the arms of a seemingly carefree digital alternative world that is trying to seduce us again with a new promise of an identity that can be shaped without limits?

acrylic glass, textile, acrylic paint, plaster, styrofoam
60x90 cm,